Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Sejarah SMK N 2 Yogyakarta

Sejarah SMK N 2 Yogyakarta

SMK N 2 Yogyakarta is located at street A.M. Sangaji 47 Yogyakarta, better known by the name Jetis STM (STM 1 Yogyakarta). SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta is one of the oldest high school in Indonesia and quite have a name in the industry and government. Many graduates scattered throughout Indonesia, was able to lead in the field industry and government. Graceful and dignified building, built in 1919. At the time of Dutch colonial building was used as a schoolhouse PJS (Prince Juliana School). Because it is a relic of history, then this building by the Minister of Culture and Tourism through the Regulations Minister Number: PM.25/PW.007/MKP/2007 designated as cultural heritage.
School of Engineering Affairs of Indonesia is the first in the School of Engineering Medium in Jogjakarta. The first diploma in Secondary Technical School Jogjakarta issued in 1951. Programs that existed at this school is a Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
Although the technique in the complex school issue a diploma to a new Jetis in 1951, but before that building is already complex Jetis used as a School of Engineering at the Dutch era maupuin Japan. On alumni meeting of the new year 2010, there are a graduate school techniques in this Jetis complex that shows a Japanese diploma. The final task as he pilots the Air Force captain.
In addition to use for the Secondary Technical School, Post-Independence until the decade of the 80s, the complex is also used as a place Jetis lecture, Faculty of Engineering University of Gajah Mada University and Academy of Engineering Affairs Yogyakarta.
Demands and technological developments, require the building or facility peralaatan adequate, so in 1929, 1950 and 1954 conducted renovations and additions to the room so that the building area to 16,000 m2 over 5.5 hectares of land. In addition to building the theory of space, many Other facilities available include practice space (garage or laboratory), places of worship, the hall, soccer field, tennis courts, volley ball court, and other sports fields.
In 1952 the Secondary Technical School in Jogjakarta is broken down into two schools, namely STM School I (Department of Building and Chemistry), STM Affairs II (Department of Electrical and Machinery). Both complexes occupy Jetis increasing demand of skilled manpower with high technical various competencies, then the complex was established several STM Jetis with the new department. With the establishment of new schools, then at decade of the 70s, the complex Jetis terdaapat some schools with majors are varied, including STM School I (Department of Building and Chemistry), STM Affairs II (Department of Electrical and Machinery), STM Special Instructor (Department of Building, Electrical, Diesel and Machinery), STM Geology Mining, Metallurgy STM, STM Agricultural Experiment I and STM STM Experiment II.
In 1975, through Decree No. Mendikbud. 019/O/1975, all STM in complex Jetis merged into one by the name of the STM Yogyakarta I.
Effective as of 11 April 1980 the school's name was changed to STM I Yogyakarta, according to the Education Minister's decision No. 26 dated 090/O/1979 In May 1979.
The name change from STM school I became SMK N 2 Yogyakarta Yogyakarta starting from March 7, 1997, through the Education Minister's decision Number 036/O/1997 dated March 7, 1997.
The principal who had served in the STM Complex Jetis are:
Until now SMK N 2 Yogyakarta still exist as a school pioneer and innovate in many fields.

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